Channel Islands shipping forecast
For the area bounded by latitude 50°N, the French coast between Cap de la Hague and Ile de Brehat and longitude 3°W.
Issued by Jersey Met at 21:00UTC Sunday , 12 January 2025 for the period ending 00:00UTC Wednesday.
General Situation
At 18:00UTC high, 1042mb, near Caen, expected to move east to be 1043mb eastern Germany by midday Monday. New high expected, 1038mb, near Cherbourg by midday Tuesday.
Forecast from 00:00UTC Monday to 00:00UTC Tuesday.
Wind: South to southeast 2 to 4, perhaps locally 5 in the far northwest of the area at first, becoming variable 1 to 3 later.
Sea state: Smooth or slight with a low swell.
Weather: Risk of mist near French coast at first and again later.
Visibility: Good, perhaps locally moderate to poor.
Outlook from 00:00UTC Tuesday to 00:00UTC Wednesday.
Wind: Variable 1 to 3.
Sea state: Smooth, locally slight, with a low swell.
Weather: Mist patches, risk of of fog patches near the French coast later.
Visibility: Good, locally moderate to poor, perhaps locally very poor.